This book, "Dr. Earl Mindell's Natural Remedies for 150 Ailments," is a simple and useful guide to treating everything from "bad breath" to "cirrhosis" in a format that lends itself to everyday use. Organized like a cookbook in alphabetical order by ailment, 150 ailments are listed on the left-hand page and their corresponding treatments are listed on the right-hand page. You can't miss for ease of use.
FOR EXAMPLE: TAKE "HEARTBURN" as a typical ailment:
Listed alphabetically, the description of "Heartburn" takes up page 150 [left-hand page], while the remedies are on page 151, [the right-hand page]. For each ailment, such as Heartburn, the remedies are organized into four sections on one page:
at the top -"SUPPLEMENTS" - Vitamin B12, Acidophilus, Digestive enzymes and Betaine hydrochloride. [quantities and directions for use are included on page]
Second are - "Herbs", with four herbs and treatment regimens for each.
Third are - "Consider/Try to", which includes some other treatment options.
Fourth are - "Avoid/ Watch Out For", which includes anything from activities to foods to over-the-counter medications that may cause adverse reactions.
This book makes it simple to find the symptoms and alternative treatment options for 150 common ailments. On the minus side, there are NO explainations as to why treatments are suggested, or details about the specific parts of the herb that are to be used or why. For instance, for "heartburn" under the fourth heading, which is always "Avoid/ Watch Out For", antacids were listed to be avoided. While I understand why they might recommend the avoidance of antacids, many people reading the book might think that it was a misprint. Just like avoiding caffeine and coffee if you suffer from "chronic fatigue syndrome". They are NOT misprints, but you'll have to find the answers to why in a more comprehensive study, if you are so inclined.
My mother would look at this book and say, "Great - I can see what I have wrong with me, and what I might do about it." She'll love this book because she does not want to go to medical school and attend lectures or stay up late every night reading about alternative health strategies. For her, and for the many people who choose to leave their health care decisions to an allopathic physician rather than to educate themselves extensively, this book is about as detailed as they may feel comfortable with. Essentially, she would rather leave the medical stuff to her doctor. In any event, this book is a great place to start one's investigation into alternative remedies, and it is a good book to have on anybody's shelf.
Product Description
Now updated and expanded, this valuable book shows you how to stop turning to potentially harmful prescription and over-the-counter medicines to ease your ailments--and to turn instead to Mother Nature for safe, natural, and effective remedies to relieve troublesome health conditions. World-renowned health expert Dr. Earl Mindell shows you which nutritional and herbal supplements you can use to treat common ailments, both large and small. When you implement his commonsense advice and preventive strategies, you will soon discover that the symptoms that have been plaguing you are fading. Not only will you feel better physically, but you'll also rest well knowing that you arrived there naturally with nonprescription alternatives.
"Dr. Earl Mindell's Natural Remedies for 150 Ailments" features the doctor's favorite time-tested recipes for the treatment of various disorders including; Allergies; Arthritis Pain; BAckaches; Colds and Flu; Dandruff; Depression; Diabetes; Fatigue; Fibromyalgia; Heartburn; Insomnia; Jet Lag; Memory Loss; Nausea; PMS; Psoriasis and Eczema; Sprains and strains; Vertigo; Weight Loss; Yeast Infection.
You'll find yourself turning to this book time after time to learn what you can do to live a healthy and pain-free life like Mother Nature intended.
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