After reaching 50 and having a size 6 lean, mean machine, I suddenly put on matronly inches. Whose waistline was I seeing in the mirror anyway? Certainly not MINE! I couldn't fit into my clothes. Menopause wreaked havoc with my body. My low-fat vegetarianism didn't work at all for me anymore. All my workouts (Pilates, etc.) couldn't trim the excess inches I was continually adding. I began to feel desperate and out of control. So, as a last resort, I tried Somersizing.
I have known Suzanne was a fabulous cook ever since discovering an article about her culinary expertise 20 years ago. But these recipes and these sauces, in particular, are extraordinary! The latest book with its zucchini noodles, parmesan sauce, mozzarella marinara, and other delectable goodies is a triumph! I love to cook again! The simple wine reduction sauces are fabulous. The information about good fats is "freeing"! My husband and I are losing inches and eating tremendous food. My body is returning to its size 6 dimensions. I couldn't be more positive about this program. The information by Suzanne's endocrinologist is right on-target. It all comes together and finally makes sense. If you don't want to do the program, at least make the delectable foods! And if you DO want to follow the program, buen apetito and viva the weight loss! Also note: Suzanne's no-chemicals, no-preservatives sugar substitute, Somersweet, is due out in May. Another breakthrough for healthy cooks who have had to do without sugar for years. This woman is no dumb blonde. She's on the cutting edge!
Click Here to see more reviews about: Suzanne Somers' Eat, Cheat, and Melt the Fat Away (Paperback)
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