
Review of The Energy Balance Diet: Lose Weight, Control Your Cravings and Even Out Your Energy (Hardcover)

This book gave me answers to nutrition questions that had plagued me for years.WHY did I crave sweets at night?WHY did I crash at 3:00 pm every day and head for the vending machine?WHY wasn't I losing weight even though I was cutting calories and trying so many different diets?
Joshua's book is very different than other "nutrition" books in that he assumes the readers are intelligent and can figure things out for themselves... with a bit of gentle guidance along the way.The book doesn't present one diet as THE DIET that must be followed... or else!Instead, it explains the way food affects us - our mood, our energy, our cravings, our weight. Then it helps readers figure out what will work best for them, personally. It's a refreshing change from the dogmatic slant of most nutrition books.
I particularly love the chapter which talks about theEnergy Balance solution itself, a simple formula for health.It's so beautiful in its simplicity!It doesn't require fancy herbal formulas or expensive supplements to be taken.It requires simple, whole foods and lots of love and self-care.
The part that was most unique to me was the concept of primary foods.Joshua explains hows how primary foods - fitness, career, spirituality, and relationships - affect our health just as much as food does. It's a connection that I intuitively knew, deep down in my heart, but didn't actually recognize until I read this book.
As a holistic health counselor, I use the simple - yet powerful - food and "primary food" concepts in this book as the basis of my healing programs.This is the first book I give to my clients, because we then have a common language around nutrition, energy and healing.

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