I am an experienced pediatrician with an interest in nutrition. This is one of the best books on the subject that I have ever read. I give it a five star rating.It includes an up to date summary of current nutrition research, much of which can be confusing. Fortunately,she is able to sort out and clarify muchof the confusion. The author includes some great tables that I plan to use as areference.For example, she has an informative table about the different kinds of rice, which turns out to be a very healthy grain. What I really liked was her fresh approach to the subject.Many nutrition books can be boring-this one is well written and interesting.I kept saying to myself, "How does she know so much about me and my habits?"There are very few foods that I don't like, but somehow she knew which ones and why. (hint: I discovered I was a "red" body type and they have many common characteristics).Complete the body type questionnaire for some fresh insights into your life and you'll see what I mean.In addition, I discovered some totally unexpected gems.For example, she has the best description of the causes of excess intestinal gas that I've ever read.She has great information about antioxidants, soy foods, cancer prevention and heart disease prevention including many useful tables. After reading this book I came away with a fresh approach to shopping, storing food, and eating.In addition, Marcia Zimmerman opened my mind to learning more about Ayurvedic medicine. She was able to relate a 5000 year old approach to medicine to the 21st century. When an author can not only teach me new information about diet and health, but also open my mind to new possibilities, she's pulled off quite a feat.I plan to recommend this book to my friends, patients and medical colleagues. It is a welcome addition to my personal library. I suggest you buy Eat Your Colors, read it, and see if you will also be motivated to change your diet-I certainly was.
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Eat Your Colors: Maximize Your Health by Eating the Right Foods for Your Body Type (Paperback)
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