The reason why I regret buying this book is because the book is not very helpful in adopting the raw foods lifestyle.Rather than giving any practical advice, the book rambles on about beauty (the author discuss beauty envy, famous "beauties" of our generation, etc.) and gives some basic facts and generalities about the raw food diet, most of which are obvious to anyone who knows even a modicum about it (e.g., don't eat meat, dairy, and wheat--pretty obvious, eh?).It is clear that the author is totally obsessed with beauty, and so the book reads like what you would imagine one of her rants on beauty would sound like in person.Of course, there are some interesting facts scattered throughout the book, but not enough to make it worth buying.Also, while the author certainly knows a lot, you sometimes may doubt her reasoning ability based on some of the far-fetched conclusions she comes to.She also talks a lot about creationism, and her health theories are intimately tied with her religious beliefs.The most helpful things I learned from this books are the benefits of eating seaweed and fasting (though these sections are only a cursory foray into these areas), and that's about it (save a few random factoids).
So my advice is don't buy this book if you need advice on how to transition to a raw food diet or what a raw foodist eats on a typical day; the book is mainly an argument for why the author belives the raw food diet will make you beautiful (but there are still too few facts!!).You might want to consider buying this book only if you need inspiration to adopt the raw foods lifestyle, especially if you are doing it for beauty reasons, or perhaps if you want some basic facts on the raw food diet (i.e., you know nothing about it).However, I personally find the "I became a raw foodist and cured myself of disease X" stories more inspiring than arguments about how beautiful you will become, so if you are like me, I recommend just looking up such testimonials online, rather than buying this book.Finally, because I was so disappointed with the content of this book in comparison to what I was expecting giving the glowing reviews, I can only surmize that many of the authors friends wrote the reviews; she is from TN and a number of reviews appear to be from there.I hope this review helps!
Product Description
Advice on how to become more attractive often comes from those blessed with exceptional beauty to begin with. Yet a woman born to beauty instructing others on how to become beautiful is like a winner of the lottery teaching people how to make a fortune in diligent enterprise! In contrast, Tonya leads by her shining example to empower you to take responsibility for your own appearance and health. Placed by a physical disability in a disadvantaged position, Tonya was nevertheless able to fulfill her long-cherished dream of becoming beautiful despite adversity and being over the age of 40.
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