As someone who has dieted since age 5, battled compulsive over-eating and bulimia, exercised beyond endurance, and finally had gastric bypass surgery, I can authoritatively review this book. Sia Barbi (with contributions by twin sister Shane) has a no-holds barred, frank and refreshing approach to a subject that's been in the closet too long. Millions of people will find wisdom and guidance in this well-researched book. Don't be misled by the flawless appearance of the Barbi Twins. The last thing you'd expect from these picture-perfect women is anything unhealthy, but they have an amazing story to tell of their nightmare eating and over-exercise habits. They frankly describe their extreme dieting, self-starvation, binging, purging, laxative abuse and exercise frenzies. The book is a high-impact emotional roller coaster ride for anyone who's experienced eating issues. It gives practical advice for coming to grips with eating disorders with professional guidance and 12-step programs, feeding yourself right and exercising properly. There's much written elsewhere on anorexia, but the Barbi book centers on compulsive over-eating, to which I think more of us (certainly Americans) can relate. I HIGHLY recommend this book.
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