In this book, the author goes over how he went from someone who went into a diabetic coma with a blood glucose of 1337 (80-120 is normal) who had been subsisting on processed food to someone who has slimmed down, learned to eat right, and now has a blood sugar in the 80-110 range. He talks about how the foods diabetics are not discouraged to eat by the medical profession such as potatoes, bananas, cereal, and many dairy products cause the blood sugar to spike and worsen glucose control. Instead, he recommends that you snack on veggies such as brussel sprouts. He even talks about his "power breakfast" - brussel sprouts with olive oil, salmon, and water. He determined what worked for him the same as Dr. Bernstein - by meticulous record keeping of his blood glucose after ingesting various foods.
The author also talks about other issues that will be more familiar such as exercise and record keeping. Also, he incorporates a spiritual component into his healing process that includes prayer and inspirational quotes. Finally, he talks about various nutritional supplements such as cinnamon, gymnema sylvestre, and bitter melon, and how each might be helpful in blood glucose control.
The reason I am only giving this book four stars is that, although everyone will be helped by reading this book and following its advice, not everyone will be, for all intents and purposes, "cured" of their diabetic condition. For one thing, the author is a man, and diabetes in women often faces the additional complications of insulin reacting with the female hormones to make the condition more difficult to treat. Then there are those of us with polyglandular failure where more than one of the endocrine systems fails - for example, hypothyroidism combined with diabetes greatly complicates the treatment of both conditions. Also, there are drug-induced cases of diabetes such as those caused by thiazide diuretics, necessary to limit blood pressure in salt-sensitive individuals. However, if yours is a case where there is not a strong genetic component or complicating factors, and your lifestyle is the greatly dominating cause of the disease, you might be able to mimic the author's truly tremendous outcome.
Product Description
This book explains the 4 major root causes of Type 2 diabetes and how to properly control and reverse the disease. This is based on an easy-to-follow, systematic 6-stage process, 200 clinical studies/medical references, and the experience of an ex-diabetic engineer. This book will help you learn how to: Retrain your body to increase its glucose uptake and utilization of insulin, using 5 key nutrients; Avoid the 7 most common mistakes that diabetics make; Save time and money in preparing nutritious meals that lower glucose levels; Enjoy exercise in less time while increasing glucose uptake and energy level; Use your blood glucose test results to reduce your insulin resistance; Enjoy your favorite foods without increasing your glucose level; Select quality nutritional supplements based on 7 key criteria; Determine the 8 core nutritional supplements for most diabetics and the 4 critical nutrients to optimize exercise results; Use the wellness protocols to prevent, control or reverse problems with the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart; and, lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and homocysteine; Control appetite and eliminate food cravings; Program your body to burn fat and lose weight (fat) permanently; Use your inner spirit to reduce your stress and improve your physical and mental health; and, Work with your doctor to safely wean yourself off the drugs. In addition, this book defines the 5 super foods, the 5 "dead" foods, a Super Meal Model and the 8 "living" elements (activities) -- all designed to work synergistically to reduce insulin resistance, increase glucose uptake, burn fat, and repair the sick cells.
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