However, because of the title of the book, I expected it to be a listing of various Cayce remedies such as herbs, lotions, foods. Instead, it lists remedies to undertake for various types of ailments. It's written in three parts. The first describes the functioning of the human body. The second sections lists various types of healing regimens suggested in the Cayce readings such as castor oil packs, prayer and meditation, and consulting dreams plus more conventional types of healing regimens such as diet and nutrition, exercise, manipulation, and massage. The third section is the best because it lists various body systems such as the digestive organs, the skin, and the heart and vascular system, and describes how to get that system healthy and keep it healthy.
I find it very helpful to get a sense of how the body works from Cayce's very holistic perspective. However, I would have preferred that when Cayce readings are mentioned, that they be quoted and the numbers of the readings listed as they are in The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health Through Drugless Therapy.
If you are interested in listings of various healing regimens, there's Edgar Cayce Encyclopedia of Healing (Edgar Cayce) that lists various ailments and their cures and An Edgar Cayce Encyclopedia of Foods for Health and Healing, which lists foods and food combinations suggested to heal various physical incoordinations, plus Edgar Cayce on Healing Foods for Body, Mind, and Soul, another books on the foods and food combinations recommended in the Cayce readings.
A good book but I'd choose The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health Through Drugless Therapy first because it is a "how to" of the Cayce remedies and it quotes the readings directly including their reading numbers.
By Carol Chapman, award-winning photographer of the ONLY Edgar Cayce calendar Divine in Nature: With Quotes from Edgar Cayce and author of When We Were Gods: Insights on Atlantis, Past Lives, Angelic Beings of Light and Spiritual Awakening.
Product Description
What opens the door to disease in our body? Whatenables us to get well? Dr. William A. McGareyanswers these questions and shows us the way toglowing good health. Guided by the teachings of EdgarCayce, Dr. McGarey has treated thousands in hisArizona clinic. He treats the human body not as abiochemical factory but as a whole entity in timeand space, affected by our consciousness and theexperienced of life, now and through manyincarnations. Utilizing holistic concepts that use ourminds creatively to bring health to our bodies, Dr.McGarey shows us a process of healing that includes:special diets and herbs, the preparation and useof Cayce's famous castor oil packs. Effectivehealing massages, an exercise program, treatments forspecific illnesses, including psoriasis, colitis,asthma, heart disease, arthritis, and many more,daily meditation and prayer, dreams in health andhealing, a Cayce pharmacopoeia.
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