The layout of the book makes it easy to use as a study guide. Unlike some other companies test-prep material, the questions are original with in-depth explanations and the book offers tips on strategy and typical errors throughout each section. While some other guides quote and cite extensively from the Official Guide, this book offers you a fresh perspective with unique practice questions.
Overall it is a great book and one that I highly recommend.
Product Description
The PowerScore GMAT Sentence Correction Bible is a complete guide that teaches the grammar, style, and diction required to successfully attack GMAT Sentence Correction questions. The book is teeming with tips and tricks and includes an entire section on strategy. With dozens of examples, over 140 practice questions, and detailed explanations, the Sentence Correction Bible is the absolute resource for gaining an the edge on the GMAT.
Click Here to see more reviews about: The PowerScore GMAT Sentence Correction Bible (Paperback)
Sentence Correction is one of the most difficult section of GMAT exam. So we should practice more and more question. If your are facing problem in this section then you should go to GMAT Preparation Courses. I found e-GMAT Online Sentence Course. They will cover all 39 concepts and offer 900+ questions for GMAT Sentence Correction Practice.