Most doctors are familiar with Dr. Teitelbaum featured as an eloquent keynote speaker on the medical lecture circuit, dazzling the audience with his encyclopedic knowledge of both conventional and natural medicine.Trained in internal medicine, Jacob Teitelbaum, is a gifted and brilliant medical researcher and clinician.He is also a model for ethical business conduct, because unlike other crass, commercially oriented docs who hide their knowledge or charge for it, Teitelbaum openly shares his medical knowledge with the public and other doctors.All of Teitelbaum's treatment protocols are listed in Appendix G of the book, and are posted on his web site.In addition, all profits from books and nutritional supplements are donated to charity.
The 400 page book is lengthy, and is actually four books in one.Where previous authors have written entire books on each of the four main topics, with the acronym SHIN for Sleep, Hormones, Infections and Nutrition, Teitelbaum combines them all into one large volume which canbe used as desk reference on chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.
In addition, the book can serve as an introductory text for the open minded MD interested in integrating natural medicine into a conventional medical practice, since sleep disorders, hormonal imbalance, chronic or hidden infections, and nutritional deficiencies are some of the more common reasons to seek medical attention.
This is the third edition of his book, and Teitelbaum has managed to make a great book even better.Those familiar with the work of the Connecticut cardiologist, Steven Sinatra MD, will recognize the triad of D-Ribose, L-carnitine and Co-Enzyme Q-10 mentioned by Teitelbaum to jump start energy in the chronicly fatigued.
Insomnia or poor quality sleep is a major issue for many chronic fatigue sufferers, creating a vicious cycle which perpetuates the disorder.Teitelbaum provides a long list of natural remedies such as L-theanine 5-HTP, L-Tryptophan, Melatonin, and Magnesium, as well as today's prescription drugs for sleep heavily advertised on television.
The Hormonal Support chapter is the meat of the book, with Teitelbaum crediting the landmark work, the Safe Use of Cortisol, by McK Jefferies, and Broda Barnes' work on natural thyroid.To these medical greats,Teitelbaum adds his own unique insights gleaned from years of clinical practice. For example, Teitelbaum finds that most patients need only 5 to 12.5 mg of cortisol, andrecommends keeping cortisol dosage below 20 mg per day to avoid adrenal suppression.
Like many other natural medicine docs, Teitelbaum finds bio-identical hormone supplementation important for a successful outcome, and asserts that bio-identicals are safe, a conclusion based on his own clinical experience and medical literature reviews by Kent Holtorf, MD, posted on Teitelbaum's website.
Teitelbaum found that many of his patients had chronic infections of sinuses, urinary tract, prostate, and respiratory system, and had taken multiple courses of antibiotics leading to kill-off of the friendly bacteria in the colon, as well as fungal overgrowth, also called Candidiasis.Teitelbaum credits The Yeast Connection by William Crooks for much of this information which includes a lengthy discussion of anti-fungal drugs and natural remedies for Candidiasis.
The Nutrition chapter covers a detailed program with a complete vitamin, mineral program with recommended dosages, and discusses dietary avoidance of caffeine, alcohol, sugar, white flour and other practical considerations.
My hat is off in admiration and thanks to Jacob Teitelbaum MD, for this third edition of an important book, the definitive work on chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.No doubt, many have benefitted and will continue to benefit from the medical insights in this book.We expect and look forward to a continuing stream of valuable insights in future works as his medical career continues.
Other books recommended are Pain Free 1,2,3 by Jacob Teitelbaum MD, The Safe Use of Cortisol by McK Jefferies, and Adrenal Fatigue by Wilson.
Jeffrey Dach MD
Product Description
The original, bestselling guide to treating chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia-now completely revised and updated.
For the more than twenty-five million Americans who suffer from chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and other fatigue-related illnesses, there is only one bestselling guide-From Fatigued to Fantastic. This new, completely updated third edition incorporates the latest advances in science and technology to help alleviate the baffling, often dismissed symptoms associated with severe, almost unrelenting fatigue.
Dr. Teitelbaum's integrated treatment program is based on the clinically proven results of his landmark study and on his more than thirty years of experience in working with patients to overcome their illnesses. Using the most current information, Dr. Teitelbaum helps his readers evaluate their symptoms and develop an individualized program to eliminate them. Specific guidelines for diagnosis and care are clearly and concisely presented, along with supporting scientific studies and treatment recommendations that include the latest and best strategies for using prescription and over-the-counter medications, nutritional supplements, alternative therapies, and/or dietary and lifestyle modifications.
In addition to providing cutting-edge research, up-to-date scientific information, and practical advice, Dr. Teitelbaum offers the compassionate understanding of one who has himself battled and overcome these disorders.
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