The book covers a variety of nutritional topics and challenges conventional thinking citing historical sources as to why we believe certain things.For example, the conventional thinking on eating eggs is that we shouldn't eat too many as they are high in fat and cholesterol or that we should throw out the yolk and only eat the white.The author takes us through the history of why eggs were originally found to be unhealthy-a study conducted on dried egg yolk powder, not whole, fresh, organic, free-range chicken eggs. Since 1945 egg consumption has dropped by almost 50%, yet there has not been a subsequent drop in heart disease.The author says that eggs are nutrient dense and that "eggs have the best nutrient package of any food we can eat." He ties in the politics of cholesterol paranoia by making the connection with greedy corporate America.The emphasis placed on cholesterol being bad is misguided and has led the drug companies to earn mega-bucks by selling cholesterol lowering drugs (statins) to unsuspecting citizens.
Assumptions made about eggs are just one topic covered in this book.There are also chapters on green tea, soy, cholesterol, conjugated linoleic acid, fluoridation, aspartame, osteoporosis, bovine growth hormone, plastics and microwaves, vitamin C, food irradiation, and vegetarianism. The book concludes with a chapter on whether or not there is indeed a perfect "best diet" for everybody.
If you are like me, you are constantly questioning conventional thinking.Politically Incorrect Nutrition questions our conventional thinking on foods.But don't take my word for it, read the book and find out!
C.J. Wong, M.S.(Biology), M.S. (Lib. Info. Sci.)
Editor, Organic Family Magazine
Product Description
Everything you thought you knew about nutrition ... but didn't! Politically Incorrect Nutrition debunks many of the widely held beliefs of consumers as well as health care practitioners concerning our life-sustaining food supply.
Using the most recent and objective scientific and clinical research data, this book reveals that much current nutritional dogma is based on outdated information or has been fabricated to satisfy vested corporatefinancial interests rather than to promote human health. Learn about these issues and more:
*How non-caloric artificial sweeteners can actually make you fat -- if not kill you.
*How overconsumption of certain soy products can upset your hormonal balance and lead to hypothyroidism.
*Why cholesterol does not cause heart disease and how eggs and red meat may actually help prevent it.
*The harmful effects of irradiation, microwaving, plastic leaching and overprocessing on food.
*Why the government is poisoning our water supply with fluoride, a toxin also found in green tea.
*The need for saturated -- but not synthetic -- fats in a healthy diet.
*The limitations of calcium and vitamin C supplementation.
*A dozen ways a vegetarian diet can actually harm your health.
*Facts and fallacies about the "Ideal" diet.
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