
Review of Enzymes for Digestive Health and Nutritional Wealth: The Practical Guide for Digestive Enzymes (Paperback)

About ten years ago, I read Enzyme Nutrition by Dr. Edward Howell, and found it to be interesting and informative.Unfortunately, much of the research and information was outdated, so I sought other enzyme related books.It took ten years before I found a book I could recommend, and this is it.Unlike nearly all of the other enzyme books out there, in which the authors promote a particular product or manufacturer that they have a vested interest in, Ms. Defelice gives a very refreshing unbiased approach to the subject of enzymes.Although she refers to one particular enzyme product in the book, this is likely because at the time of publication, it was the only product available capable of giving the results she described (in great detail).On her website, www.enzymestuff.com, she lists several other enzyme products that have since been found to be useful.
The author writes in a very friendly, easy to understand style...her detailed description of the human digestive system and its processes is one of the clearest I've ever read.She gives a sense of being an educated scientist, investigator, and concerned mother all in one.
If you or anyone you know has digestive problems, autism, autoimmune disorders, etc. then please read this book.And if you simply want to better understand enzymes and their use in human health, this is by far the best book on the subject!

Product Description
Enzyme therapy is one of the fastest emerging successful alternatives for digestive health. Reports of significant improvements in health, immune function, pain reduction, even moods, mental clarity, food and chemical tolerances, and gastrointestinal issues emerge daily. Drawing on long-standing scientific research and trials by a wide range of families, Karen DeFelice deals comprehensively with all the information on digestive enzymes that those new to enzymes need: how enzymes work, why the many benefits, what to expect, practical tested advice on selecting and introducing the right kind of enzymes, and how this can be combined with other approaches, therapies, and lifestyles.

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