Thistitle sets out to dispel the myth that there could ever be a standarddietary system guaranteed to meet everyone's nutritional requirements.Theauthor, a nutritional psychologist, approaches his mission from a trulyholistic perspective.Rather than proposing yet another ideal diet basedon the perfect composition of specific nutrients, he explores themultidimensional dynamics of nourishment, reaching far beyond the purelyscientific and chemical aspects of nutrition.
Although he does not denythe impact of eating high-quality foods, Mr. David invites the reader toconsider other factors which are equally significant in determining whethera meal is truly nourishing: The less tangible "ingredients" of ameal, such as the consciousness with which it is eaten, as well as theambiance of our surroundings, and the people in whose company we dine, areall part of the nourishing experience and profoundly affect the body andmind on both the physical and subtle energetic levels.
"NourishingWisdom" suggests that choosing the "right" foods is lessimportant than eating whatever one chooses wholeheartedly and withawareness.To be fully nourished by food, we must experience it throughboth the action of chewing and the sensation of taste.Our nutritionalrequirements are continuously changing with variables such as age, theenvironment we live in, and nature's seasons.One of the exercisesdescribed in the book is listening for body feedback, which allows thebody's intuitive wisdom to determine which foods would be most nourishingat a given time.
Each chapter in this highly readable book features asummary of the main points discussed, as well as suggestions for how thereader could work with these in his or her own life.Someone who has aweight problem, for instance, will find the chapters addressing theconnection between food and love, and the application of affirmativewillpower, most helpful.And nearly everyone will benefit from therevelation that the digestion and assimilation of foods are affected by thebody posture which we assume during a meal--finally a valid reason whyone should not slouch at the dinner table!
Product Description
"Marc David eloquently describes the importance of addressing the emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives in order to truly nourish ourselves." --Dean Ornish, M.D. Combining the principles of nutritional awareness, personal growth, and body psychology, Nourishing Wisdom provides practical methods for redefining the role food plays in our lives. Line drawings.
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