Carmichael emphasizes that periodization is the best way to organize your training year. However, he gives you no advice on how to actually do this. He tells you its important, but doesn't get into the hows and whys of it. He gives examples of training months (4 total), but offers no insights on planning subsequent months, or on linking months together coherently. He tells you that you should gradually increase "workout stimulus" in a stairstep fashion, but doesn't describe how to actually do it.
This is the biggest problem with Carmichael's book- he tends to tell you that things are important, but doesn't bother describing how to put them into practice. As a cyclist you already KNOW that these things- training principles, cycling techniques, skills, etc.- are important- that's why you bought the book to begin with! What you need to know is HOW to improve them. This is where Carmichael fails.
I suspect this failure is intentional. The reviewer below who likened the book to an infomercial was spot-on. Carmichael is trying to sell his training program, CTS. The reason this book is so spotty is that he wants you to go out and join his program to get the answers and the training that this book leaves you hungry for. This is pretty shoddy business, if you ask me.
I give it two stars because there is a smattering of helpful information, such as nutritional concerns and some good workouts. But much of the book consists of stuff you already know, or is filled with "Ra-ra-you-can-do-it-you're-the-champion-110-percent!!!" pop sports psychology that you could get from any junior high gym class. Extremely disappointing, can't even recommend it for absolute novices.
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