This book gives a blow by blow account of what you need to do to build a tight firm physique. First you determine your body shape. Then it recommends exercises to best achieve your objectives. Though many of theexercises are suited for gym equipment, at home modifications are alsooffered. The book offers a complete section on nutrition with recipes. Italso gives sample menu plans andsuggestions for Shape training duringpregnancy. I really enjoy the book. However, I did find a few of therecipes somewhat tasteless and I would have liked a few more modificationson the workouts for the at home exerciser. Other than than its well worththe price.
Product DescriptionA positive new trend in exercise for women is taking holdworldwide. It's known simply as "fitness" and describes a look thatcomes from training for shape, tone, definition, and cardiovascularconditioning--not for muscular development, as bodybuildersdo. Leading the way is
Shape Training, a remarkably effectiveprogram that promises noticeable results in one month and a completebody makeover in just eight weeks. Customized by body type,
ShapeTraining guides you through a routine that concentrates on areasyou need to work on--including hips, upper arms, abs, and legs--whilepromoting an overall improvement in your fitness level andendurance. In fact, after just three months on the program, you canexpect to increase fat loss and have a lean muscle gain of up to fivepounds; you also can expect to:
- Increase your strength byas much as 60 percent
- Improve your cardiovascular efficiency
- Increase your rate of metabolism
- Reverse some of the physicalsigns of aging
Shape Training is the definitive systemfor conquering figureflaws once and for all and developing a firmer,more proportionate shape in just a matter of weeks. Robert Kertnedy,a leading authority on exercise and fitness, is the author of morethan 30 top-selling books, including
Pumping Up,Built! The NewBodybuilding for Everyone, and
Reps. In addition, he is thepublisher of
MuscleMag International magazine. MaggieGreenwood-Robinson is one of the country's best-known fitnessauthors. She has coauthored many popular books on fitness andnutrition, including
Lean Bodies, Lean Bodies Total Fitness, 50Workout Secrets, and (with Robert Kennedy)
Built! The NewBodybuilding for Everyone.
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Shape Training (Paperback)
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