At first blush most of the information if acted on in the book will probably result in adding years, if not decades to some peoples lives.My own recommendation is to do your own independent research [separate from this book], first, if you make any life changing adjustments, particularly if it involves consuming vitamins suggested in the book.Some of the recommendations only strengthened what I already knew, such as taking Co-Q10 on a daily basis.Co-Q10 is expensive, but a very good nutrient that can help protect your body from free radical damage, resulting in reduced risks of succumbing to various cancers and heart diseases.Other recommendations in the book did raise some concerns for me such as consuming L-Carnosine on a daily basis.Research i've found dating back to 1984 expressed that L-Carnosine built up in the body can potentially have dangerous neurotoxic side effects.Taking too much of it could induce what is medically referred to as "Carnosinemia", which also can be inherited.Most of the oral vitamin supplements in the market offer L-Carnosine at 500MG doses, recommending you take it once or twice daily.The book recommends 200MG per day in single or "divided doses" and stressed "its low level of toxicity"...... but I don't know how much is too much frankly, so I will avoid this particular molecule until more research data is known.
Product DescriptionThis book presents the thesis that radical extensions ofhuman life span are only a few decades away. The problem is many babyboomers may not live long enough to avail themselves of thesebreakthrough technologies - but they will be close! This book offers away to live a healthier life now, so that anyone can maximize his orher chances of being alive when this new wave of life extension andrejuvenation really begins to take hold.
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The Baby Boomers' Guide to Living Forever (Paperback)
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