
Review of Definition: Shape Without Bulk in 15 Minutes a Day (Paperback)

About 9 years ago, I had started to put on weight for the first time in my life.I couldn't believe it when I stepped on a friends scale and discovered that I had gained almost 20 pounds - seemingly overnight!I was very depressed and not looking forward to a life of diets - I just love food and cooking too much.Then I saw Joyce on the Monel Williams show.At the time, she was promoting her other book, Bottoms Up.I bought it and acquired a couple small weights - and began my transformation.The first workout was a killer - I was dripping with sweat in no time and feeling very weak.I didn't even think I would make it through!But I kept at it and after three weeks, I had a noticeable difference - my shoulders no longer slumped, my chest was perkier, my stomach was trimmer and I FELT BETTER - all without drastic dieting.I knew this was a start in the right direction!
I ended up trimming myself down to my high school size (size 4) in no time at all.My husband told me I looked better than I ever did.I then bought her other book, Definition.This is the book I now use for my weight workouts.Her routines are sound - they work - and you don't have to spend all your time in a gym.You can do this in the privacy of your own home.Joyce is very encouraging and her stuff is spelled out clearly, for the athletically challenged like myself.
Because of Joyce's workouts, I am more active - I walk all the time, I hike, I do yoga, etc.I still eat like a horse, but remain the same size!I really think Joyce changed my life for the better!

Product Description
A low-fat eating plan and fifteen-minute daily exercise guide combine in a twenty-week program that helps readers to lose weight, define muscles, slow the aging process, increase energy, and reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

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