
Review of The Low Carb Rule & Recipe Book (Spiral-bound)

You know what they say "you can't judge a book by it's cover" ... but it was the cover that first caught my attention...then the title. I have read so many diet books and none have motivated me like this book. The writting style was easy for me to follow and I especially loved how they supported their concepts with the medical journal notes. The low carb diet may seem extreme but I felt I needed to take extreme measures as everything had failed. I couldn't put the book down and read it in one night. I jumped into the diet program the next morning and I have never looked back. YES...successfully losing 15lbs in just 6 weeks...and more exciting is that I didn't starve, to my surprsing I truly enjoyed the great tasting meals. 5 stars to Chris and Catherine for helping find the way to a permanent full proof fat loss formula. You can be sure I have spread the word to all my friends...I counldn't help it as they all wanted to know my secret.
Anna Calder
President, NowPac Inc.
Toronto, Canada

Product Description
Backed by solid scientific research and the author's keeninsight into the dynamics of physiology, nutrition and metabolism,nutritionist Chris Aceto proves there is an alternative to diets thatare rich in carbohydrates.
Aceto lays down a rational approach to low carb dieting. With greatclarity and simplicity, he explains how to get started, how toovercome roadblocks and why a low carb plan can be so successful inburning off body fat.
Readers of The Low Carb Rule & Recipe Book experience:
Rapid Weight Loss
Greater Energy
Less Hunger!
You'll find low carb dieting a breeze with a collection of over 225delicious low carb recipes complete with carb counts and detailednutrition information.

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