Before answering the negative comments, let me say that I've been following the diet for 7 weeks and have lost 20 pounds. The thing I like best about it is that it's the ONLY diet I've found that allows me to eat the quantity of food I'm eating, and still keep my calorie count at about 1350. I love having a full plate and a full tummy. With this way of eating I get full at all 3 meals, have 3 snacks during the day, and am still able to lose weight. On Atkins I got full, and my lipids and sugar were great, but I didn't lose much weight because my calorie count was too high.On Weight Watchers I was always hungry, because I invested too many of my points in refined carbs and grains. This works for me.
I'm planning to use Dr. Heber's earlier book "What color is your diet," for maintenance. I have my physician's enthusiastic blessing for both.
BTW - I have no cravings.I'm easily able to say no to candy, chips, cake, cookies, etc.My pre-diabetic metabolism is loving this!
Here's a typical day's menu for me:
Breakfast: Shake made with 1C skim milk, 1 scoop protein powder, 1/2 a banana and 1/2 cup of frozen raspberries.
Lunch: Salad made with 3 C romaine lettuce, 1/2 a cucumber, a 1/4 of an avocado and 3 oz of roast chicken.
Dinner: 4 oz lean ground turkey burger smothered with sauteed onions and mushrooms, 2 C pureed cauliflower (a la Atkins), 1 cup thinly sliced butternut squash sauteed in a small amount of olive oil
snacks/dessert:1 C non-fat cottage cheese with 1/2 c pineapple; 1 clementine orange; 1 c watermelon; 1/2 cup blueberries with 1 T low-fat coolwhip.
All this runs about 1350 calories, with 140g of protein (1 gram for every pound of lean body mass I have), and is about 20% fat. A smaller person, with less lean body mass, should be able to eat closer to 100 g of protein and still get all of the fruits and vegetables in, for fewer calories.
My reaction to other comments about the book:
1. I read the book cover to cover and (unless I missed it somewhere) I didn't see the name "Hebalife" anywhere in it. It does NOT promote any particular brand of protein powder. It does suggested using "flavored" shake mix (vanilla or chocolate), but I ended up getting plain unflavored protein powder (Genisoy) that I could mix with skim milk. If I want chocolate I add a tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa for 15 calories. For the person who said the shakes taste horrible, well, for goodness sake, try a different brand, and be sure to add some fruit!
2.How can anyone say this is not a healthy diet? You end up eating a huge amount of fruits and vegetables, healthy added fats like olive oil and avocado, and lean protein.No one needs grains in their diet. They're just not necessary.I use a computer-based program (fitday.com) to keep track of my calories/carbs/fat/protein and 32 different nutrients.I consistently take in well over 100% of the RDA's for all nutrients (except vitamin D, but you get that from sunshine too), without taking any supplements. And I get about 30 grams of fiber a day.
4. Even some of the people who said they liked the diet didn't seem to be really following it.A nutrition bar for lunch and a reasonable dinner? That's not what this diet is about.You're supposed to eat from all 7 colors of fruits and vegetables every day.You can't get them in if you don't eat them at every meal and for snacks. Nutrition bars are not recommended in this diet. Have a huge salad with meat instead!
If you follow the diet the way it's laid out, it's very healthy and satisfying.But like any diet, if you stop eating that way and go back to eating the way you ate before, yes, you're going to gain the weight back.That's how you got fat in the first place!
Product Description
Change your shape for life -- with a new breakthrough personalized protein prescription that has worked for thousands of people!
Dr. David Heber's groundbreaking book What Color Is Your Diet? introduced us to the Color Code -- building a healthy diet based on colorful fruits and vegetables. Now, his life-changing book The L.A. Shape Diet combines the sound nutritional basis of the Color Code with his newest research from the UCLA Center for Nutrition, which shows you how to analyze your body shape, personal protein needs, and metabolism not only to lose weight -- but also to change your body shape.
Dr. Heber maintains that everyone is born with a particular shape -- and this shape makes a huge difference in how you should approach weight loss. He teaches the difference between the shape you can change and the shape you cannot, and how to do this with the right amount of dietary protein (and most Americans, women especially, eat too little protein). Then Dr. Heber helps you build your own ideal diet, starting with protein, then 7 colorful servings of fruits and vegetables (providing 25 grams of filling fiber), and finally whole grains.
In a world of dietary fads and "one size fits all" pseudo-miracle diets, The L.A. Shape Diet is the most effective, easy-to-follow, scientifically sound dietary plan you'll find.
Click Here to see more reviews about: The L.A. Shape Diet: The 14-Day Total Weight Loss Plan (Hardcover)
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