Don't wasteyour money and time buying a thesaurus in dictionary form. In this edition,the words are grouped categorically by meaning, so you can find all thesubtle variations and neighbors of "happy."
Every poet andwriter should have one of these.
This makes a great gift for collegestudents.
Product Description
The revolutionary achievement of Dr. Peter Mark Roget's first edition in 1852 was the development of a brand-new principle: the arrangement of words and phrases according to their meanings. Dr. Roget's system brings together in one place all the terms associated with a single thought or concept; it allows a wide-ranging survey of language within a book of relatively modest size, without the space-consuming repetitions that so severely limit the scope of thesauruses arranged in a dictionary format with A-to-Z entries. This brilliant organization makes Roget's International Thesaurus® both the most efficient word finder and a cutting-edge aid in stimulating thought, organizing ideas, and writing and speaking more clearly and effectively.
This revised and updated sixth edition features thousands of new words and phrases, including the newest slang words and expressions that color and inform everyday language. It retains all of the hallmarks that have made Roget's International Thesaurus® an enduring classic:
- More than 330,000 words and phrases organized into 1,075 categories.
- A pinpoint reference system that directs the user quickly from a comprehensive index to the numbered category of the right word. Thousands of cross-references throughout lead to other helpful categories.
- Hundreds of supplemental word lists that supply the names of things which have no synonyms (measurements, wines, weapons, animals, state mottoes, and more) as well as hundreds of quotations that amplify the meanings of selected words.
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