For 47 of my 57 years I have struggled with beingoverweight. I read about "The Healthiest Diet In The World" in the vegetarian times mag. I got the book and went on their very easy to follow program not tolose weight but for the health of it and so far I have lost 17 pounds. Thetips about combining a protein with a carbo has really changed my life. Forthe first time I do not crave sweets and I am eating more than I did when Iwas on a DIET.The recipies are great! I love tofu and they really havesome great recipies using it. I don't know how to begin to thank theauthors of this book. I have recomended the program to everyone I know andwhen people mention my weight loss I always give them the name of the book.
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The Healthiest Diet in the World (Paperback)
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