I liked the sections on how much protein, etc I should eat.
The book reinforces the need for exercise. It also has a lot of recipes but since I do not eat red meat and don't even eat chicken at home, many were not for me.
I eat well at home but I only eat at home a few times per week so my challenge is healthy eating on the road.
I am not big on supplements so I liked that she did not push that too much. I prefer food to pills.
Her steps (but you have to read the book to get the real sense of them all).
1 - get ready
2 - eat enough protein (I likely am deficient here)
3 - Choose the right carbohydrate
4 - eat more fruits and vegetables
5 - choose healthier fats and oils
6 - boost vitamins and minerals (this was the one I will not totally follow)
7 - eat more often
8 - Don't forget about fluids
9 - Control your weight
10 - Be active every day
Product Description
In Leslie Beck's 10 Steps to Healthy Eating, Beck tells you in no-nonsense terms how to get organized, choose the right foods, and know when to eat them. Drawing readers in with examples from her clinical practice, Beck shows us how her strategies have transformed the lives of her clients for the better, and how she can change yours. Featuring chapter summaries that break her strategies down into do-able steps, a 14-day meal plan, and over 65 recipes created by the Canadian Living Test Kitchen, this book will have you eating and feeling better in no time.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Leslie Beck's 10 Steps to Healthy Eating: How to Boost Energy, Manage Weight, and Prevent Disease with Food, Diet and Nutr (Paperback)
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