Since making the decision to stick permanently withfood combining (which can be complicated but she presents in a very easy tofollow, organzied way) and eliminating sugar (about as hard for some peopleto do as quitting smoking or drinking) I have never felt better. My Candidais under control, my chronic ailments (asthma, allergies, rashes, jointpain) have all but disappeared, I have tons of energy all the time, I sleepbetter, I look better (better skin, hair, body) I feel consistently in agood mood and a nice side benefit was dropping from a size 12 to a 6.
After nearly a decade of struggling with my weight and being"sickly" I am now strong and truly healthy and found that onlywhen I focused on my health rather than my size did I lose weight. I am nowgoing back to college to obtain a degree in Kinesiology specializing inAthletic Training, a lifelong dream I never would have thought I couldpursue in my prior condition. You need to be inspirational to train othersand certainly you have to walk the talk.
With all the other fads beingtauted out there, like the Atkins diet which is completely nutritionallyunsound and puts people at a risk for renal failure and seriousdehydration, I can tell you that the reason plans like Marilu's aren't aspopular is ause they are more difficult initially to get accustomed to anddon't allow for taboo foods as much as the hi-pro/hi-fat phenomenon. Thismay be a tougher challenge at first, but the long term health benefits arelimitless.
I have read and reread everything from the Zone, Atkins,macrobiotics, sugar-busters and the blood type recommendations (which areactually very similar and is also a great book to keep as a nutritionalbible) and it's Marilu's book I find myself whipping out for reference orreview.
If you buy this book and stick with it for a month (it takes atleast that long to remove prior waste product from your blood stream,tissues and organs) you WILL feel a sense of total health and well beingthat will amaze and surpise you. It's a great investment in yourself andthe better your body functions, the better the quality of your life.
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