The least being what our medical community has lead us to believe,that's what's killing us is an overindulgence in the products that we all feel BAD about eating, but love so much.
He mightly challenges the rhetoric that has been "shoved down our throats" (all pun intended) by the medical establishment.
To encourage us to eat MEAT, EGGS and CHEESE (lions, tigers and bears, OH MY!!!),is an insult to our mentality, yes??
I say NO!
Through years of study, fact-finding, and interviews with established nutrition specialists, he has published a guide that disputes the MYTHS and gets down to the real "skinny" with "21 Days to a Healthy Heart".
Emphasizing that through a scheduled plan of diet and moderate exercise, natural mineral supplements, and being cognizant of our health needs, we can live a healthy and (somewhat) indulgent lifestyle.
His particular concerns about sugar intake and Diabetes is a must read for everyone.
As an individual that has spent his life "riding the fence" between exercise and love of "dangerous" foods, I've found this book an invaluable tool in my quest of a balanced culinary lifestyle.
I highly recommend this to all, regardless of age, gender or country of origin.
Go ahead and read what you've been missing.
Product Description
Alan Watson's book offers a radical perspective on heart health that challenges the status quo opinions in the medical field. The content of this book is revolutionary...
Although he's not a doctor himself, Watson does seem to be qualified to discuss cardiovascular nutrition, and he definately did his homework on this book; his research here is impressive, making his arguments/theories well substantiated and convincing.
He consulted with numerous medical practitioners, examined and analyzed tons of medical studies and manages to explain highly technical information (about such medical terms as lipids, homocysteine, cholesterol, etc.) in such a way that a lay person can comprehend it.
His tone is understandable without being condescending; it's well written, pursuasive, and extraordinarily timely given the current statistics on heart disease in America. While I can't say with resolution that I "buy into" Watson's ideology, I can, without hesitation, say that he's written and published an important book worthy of attention. Writer's Digest 10th Annual International Self Published Book Awards.
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