If I didn't know better, I would think that the authors of this book had hidden cameras in my pantry (and in my subconscious).In just the first few pages, they perfectly described my over-eating episodes as if they'd been there with me while I devoured an entire bag of chocolate chips.And in the subsequent chapters they revealed the lies I've been telling myself in the back of my mind, helping me get honest with myself about my distorted view of my body, my eating, and how to find happiness.Although the book is clearly aimed at women in their mid-life (one of the 8 points in the plan is specific to menepause), I found most of the book applicable to me as a 30yo man who has fluctuated between over-eating and restricting my whole life.I feel like, for the first time in my life, a veil has been lifted that has revealed all the ridiculous lies I've been telling myself that keep me unhappy.I'm just starting out, trying to regain my ability to know when I'm really hungry (not tired, angry, bored, or depressed), and when I'm full (rather than eating until I'm sick).I already find I'm eating more than I convinced myself I should eat (though surely less than I was eating, since I'm not gorging on cookies anymore).I also have more energy and find myself able to deal with work and home with a smile, rather than succumbing to tension.If you've ever told yourself that your happiness is dependant on losing a few more pounds, or you've ever started eating a cake by taking a small slice, then rationalized another small slice, then another, and another and another, until the cake is nearly gone -- this book will be a kind, gentle wake-up call and help you take rational steps toward a healthy relationship with food.
Product DescriptionThe first book to address a disturbing new trend: dangerous eating patterns in midlife women that can have serious health consequences.
Struggling to cope with the stress of menopause, empty nest syndrome, caring for ailing parents, work overload, and the cultural emphasis on youth and beauty, more and more women find themselves eating compulsively to ease tension, manage anxiety, quell depression, and distract themselves from what's really eating them. Others obsessively follow strict diets or exercise excessively.
In this groundbreaking book, clinical psychologist Cynthia M. Bulik, Ph.D., and dietitian Nadine Taylor team up to present a patient-tested 8-step program to help women regain a healthy relationship with food. Readers also will find:
o A thorough explanation of the full spectrum of Runaway Eating behaviors, from occasional lapses into binge eating to restrictive dieting to compulsive exercising
o Alternative ways to alleviate anxiety and defuse depression
o Practical strategies for managing the menopausal symptoms that often lead to disordered eating
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Runaway Eating: The 8-Point Plan to Conquer Adult Food and Weight Obsessions (Paperback)
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