For weeks I walked to and from work, over one hour each way, to help drop through a weight plateau of 199 pounds.No matter what I did, including dieting, I was destined to be a 199-pounder for life!Then, one Sundayevening, I read the first few chapters of a book a friend lent me,"Sugar Blues" by Dufty.My first reaction to the informationcontained in it was entirely emotional: anger and disgust.Until thatmoment I had never given sugar a moment's worth of thought.That Sundayevening, I felt my anger so intensely, that I promised myself that Iimmediately would stop my ingestion of sugar for MORAL reasons.As I readfurther, I wished that I had known this information years ago.I wishedthat I had used this information while raising my children.I am saddenedthat I didn't get to the profound wisdom in this book sooner than I did. But, life is full of important lessons.This book is but lesson numberone.And learning this lesson later is better than not learning it at all. While reading "SUGAR BLUES" I was also reading another book onthe topic of meats.I decided to give up sugar and meats.That Sundayevening, I switched to a SWEETENER-FREE and meat-free lifestyle.OnThursday of that week I spent time between the fetal position in bed andsprinting to the washroom.I thought I had the flu, but looking back,Inow realize I had what I'd describe as, "withdrawl" symptoms.24hours later I was feeling better.7 days later, when I weighed myself, Ireceived the first of many self-fulfiling rewards: I cracked my weight-lossplateau, was finally down to 190 pounds.Three weeks later, I lost another6 pounds and was down to 184.Seven weeks later I was at 177.10 weekslater 174.I have had to tighten my belt 5 notches! I fit into pants thatI had not fit into since 1978.As of this last week, I stabilized at aweight plateau of 174 pounds.I have lost a cool 25 pounds.This bookmade me THINK about the quality of, and effect from, the "foods"I shovelled into my mouth.This book motivated me to read the labelsbefore I bought.It is an absolute MUST HAVE for your home library...aMUST SHOW to friends who you care about...a book that you MUST DOG-EAR andunderline, (use over and over again).It might be a good idea for you tothink about buying several or more copies of this book in paper backversion, (low cost), to either give away or circualte among your friendsand relatives. If you do, you just might enhance your life and theirs. Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts about "SUGARBLUES".By sharing my experience I am hoping that your life willbecome healthier.All the best in your decision to buy "SugarBlues".
Product DescriptionThe classic, bestselling expose+a7 on the dangers of sugar reveals how this commonly ingested ingredient in countless foods is highly addictive and causes a host of medical problems from depression to coronary thrombosis. Reissue.
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Sugar Blues (Mass Market Paperback)
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