Frank Covino at 70 + years can out-run, out-ski and out-lift most men a third his age. Dr. Anderson probably could also, although I have not met him as I have Mr. Covino (I'm one of his art students). While I would, as he also does in this book, recommend ALL people see a physician before beginning any excercise/nutrition/supplement program, there is much food for thought here. He details many vitamins, minerals etc. and their effects on health and longevity and also provides an excellent weight loss and fitness program. However, the most important part of the book is in the last chapters where he writes of "Your Self and Its Role in Society" and the importance of psychological balance in both health and what he calls "active longevity". Many health-longevity books overlook this important factor.
My only concern is that some of the supplement dosages are higher than I would personally risk.
By following his diet program I lost nearly twenty pounds in two months and in four months had developed much more upper body strength with his excercises than I had previously from years using weight machines.
Product DescriptionRage Against Age tells you what your mainstream physician hasn't told you about growth hormone, melatonin, testosterone, viagra, pregnenalone DHEA, norandrostenediol, thyroid, estrogen, and the right way to diet and exercise.Page after page gives you age-reversing tips and techniques to achieve your goal.
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Rage Against Age (Paperback)
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