I'm newly diagnosed.Since I'm not on any medications (and hope to keep it that way for as long as possible), the two tools I have to manage my diabetes are exercise and diet.This book addresses the diet aspect very well, while touching on the importance of exercise.It's not a scientific text, so it doesn't go into excruciating detail.It's an easy read.She helps you understand how the body works without diabetes, and then explains what happens differently when you have diabetes.You'll come to understand how different foods affect your blood glucose level - and WHY.Which allows you to understand and develop your own meal plan if you don't have access to a nutritionist.If you do, you'll better understand why your nutritionist makes the recommendations she does, and you will have the knowledge to discuss various options with her.
This may not be the first thing you want to read if you've just discovered you need to live in a way that manages your blood glucose levels.There are higher level overview books; educational websites run by the Joslin Center or American Diabetes Association; or better yet, diabetes management programs taught by diabetes educators and nutritionists at most local hospital that will give you a solid foundation.Ask your doctor about local programs if he hasn't recommended it to you already.
With that knowledge under your belt, this is an excellent book to take you down to the next level of detail.
Product Description
The definitive guide to eating well and staying healthy with diabetes
"Nutrition is pivotal to diabetes care.This book is a terrific tool for managing diabetes through good nutrition. It's a guide you can use every day-a treasure chest of advice on how to eat healthfully."
-Richard M. Bergenstal, MD, Executive Director
International Diabetes Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
From the American Dietetic Association comes this authoritative guide to choosing foods to control your blood sugar and maintain an active, healthy lifestyle. It provides the must-know basics of daily diabetes care-from designing a food plan and preventing low blood glucose levels to losing weight and carbohydrate counting-so you can personalize diabetes and food decisions to fit your needs.You'll see how to manage blood fat levels and blood pressure-an important part of diabetes care-and gain invaluable insight into making healthy food choices and planning tasty meals.You'll also find tips on reducing sugar and fat in foods; quick and easy meal ideas; and a special section on prevention of type 2 diabetes.
- Detailed menu plans for daily caloric levels of 1,200, 1,500, 1,800, 2,000, and 2,500 calories
- Includes fast-food restaurant and ethnic food guides
- Ratings for high, low, and moderate glycemic indexfoods
Click Here to see more reviews about: American Dietetic Association Guide to Eating Right When You Have Diabetes (Paperback)
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