This is a very nice book. I bought this book (The Gourmet Prescription) along with another book by F. McCullough.This book by D. Chud, "The Gourmet Prescription" presenting very unique approaches (especiallyhome smoking) to improving flavor in low-carb, low fat dishes. The recipesare unique and probably not found elsewhere.However, I probably would use this book for "special occasions", not everyday use. Many ofthe recipes are longer, require more ingredients, and/or require that theyou have prepared special condiments and sauces (the book tells you how toprepare these condiments, usually using the smoker).Now doubt the recipesare high in flavor, and very unique (i.e. you aren't going to findtechniques like these in other books).The downside is that the recipesare time-consuming (considering you have to prepare the condiments ahead oftime). The pictures are beautiful --its definitely gourmet(many ingredientsmight be hard to find for those not living in urban centers).I also don'tknow if kids would like this kind of food if they aren't used it eating"gourmet restaurent" type food.I found the McCullough book tobe more practical and down-to-earth. Another book I like very much for lowcarb people is "The Complete Meat Cookbook" by Bruce Aidells andDenis Kelly which tells you everything you want to know about selecting andpurchasing the best in beef, pork,lamb and veal for easy to prepare dishes,both classic expensive cuts (how to get the best out of an expensive cuts)as well as how to make tender dishes out of the cheaper cuts.Since theAidells book isn't particularly oriented to low-carb, some of the sidedishes are high carb.All three boooks have a place on my bookshelf, sincethere are occasions when I'll want to prepare a special meal using the highflavor techniques described in this book, "The GourmetPrescription".
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The Gourmet Prescription: High Flavor Recipes for Lower Carbohydrate Diets (Hardcover)
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