Jordan teaches that we need nutrient dense foods such as kombucha, cod liver oil, coconut, naturally fermented foods, organic meats and vegetables, preferably raw goat butter, goat milk and yogurt, organic lamb and organic chicken stocks, celtic sea salt and living water.I eat beets, palm hearts, artichoke hearts, salmon, kefir, organic raw eggs in smoothies, raw honey, olive oil, palm oil, coconut oil, homemade sauerkraut, sourdough breads. I limit bleached flours, soy food, vegetable, canola, and corn oils, hydrogenated oils and margarine, snack foods, processed foods, artificial sweeteners, TV dinners, store meats that have hormones, pesticides and disease, pork and certain seafoods.
I don't overeat anymore and I'm satisfied.God gave us food to eat and enjoy.When we fight against our own hunger we destroy our relationship to food.I no longer horde food, freak when there's not enough, nor do I eat when I'm sad.
I also take Clear Energy.I went from working in an office and came home ready to collapse, to being a nanny of 5 year old triplet boys.I come home tired, but happy and ready to start my day! I use clenzology.And usually start autumn with a good sinus infection...no sign of one yet!
I think we need to separate the idea that this is a `religious' concept and understand that Jordan is asking us to think about what we put into our mouths.Are we going to accept what we've been told is healthy or are we going to finally question the Standard American Diet?He isn't contradicting himself.Anyone who read the book knows he's saying that sometimes it is necessary to temporarily eliminate certain foods from your diet until the flush is complete.And, regarding the comment about wine, there is an enormous difference between naturally fermented raw drinks and commercial wines.They are pasteurized and highly processed, all the possible nutrients are cooked out.This is the problem with the entire food industry.
Other reviewers suggest many other diet books, however; these books focus on specific concepts and remedies, but not on overall healthy eating.None of them suggest eating all of the foods in Jordan's book including coconut, palm oil and fermented foods which helps correct diabetes, thyroid, cancer, hormonal problems, and digestive problems.I have read many of these books; they completely overlook key nutritive foods.
I met Jordan at a local seminar.He is the picture of health and offers free seminars.He is the least "Commercial" person I have ever known.His products are of the highest quality; made of whole, organic dried fruits, vegetables and seeds and herbs.He isn't peddling a low-grade, laboratory processed, chemical `supplements'.He is personable, kind, without the slightest hint of pretense. And he has feelings.I think twice when reading a review of someone who attacks another human being without having met him personally.
And as far as exercise.I couldn't exercise last year.Every time I got on a tread mill, my blood pressure skyrocketed.Many Americans are in such poor health, that they need to get better first, then consider workout regimens.That's like asking a person who needs open heart surgery to run a marathon.It's impossible.But with health comes the ability to keep on track and exercise and stay in shape.One step at a time!
We need more people like Jordan Rubin to swim upstream, amid a world of nay-sayers, and be a living example of health!
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