Product Description
"The Secret Weight-Loss Scrolls" is a unique approach tolearning how to eat healthy, lose weight, and improve health problemssuch as heart disease and diabetes. Written in a humorous storyformat, the reader follows the lives of four family members. Lifeseems great until the father, Bob Block, has an annual physical andfound out he had experienced a previous "silent" heart attack. After aseries of tests, he is told to start eating the 30/40/30 way (zonediet) and exercise, or he wouldn't live to see his two kids graduatefrom high school.Faced with this life threatening dilemma, he andhis wife, Betty Block, decide to take the advice of their medicalprovider and change the eating habits of the entire family...thisturns out to be far more difficult than imagined.After nominalsuccess one month later, the kids (Billy and Barbie) were beginning tocomplain, and Bob found it hard to stick to the same regimen of foodseach day. Barbie, their 10 year old "whiz kid," began a quest tosimplify this seemingly complicated way of eating. Also, she wasmissing her sweets and wanted to have them back as well.
The story unfolds through the Internet. Barbie comes across a sitethat tells of four mysterious scrolls found in the Tibetan Mountainsin 1955. As it turns out, these scrolls simplify how to do the sameway of eating that they had been struggling to do up to thatpoint. Readers can learn how to easily eat this way by following thesteps from the four scrolls. This first part of the book is a fastread, no more than an hour of easy, light, and fun reading. From here,the reader can go through the step by step lessons and take thequizzes at the end of each lesson. Overall, the book starts outinnocently simple appearing and entertaining, then gradually enticesyou to learn more before you know it! Nutrition usually is a very dryand at times boring subject. This book adds a new twist in mixingeducation and entertainment. Readers come away with a smile on theirface while having learned a new way of eating for life!
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