When I reached my thirties and had to start watching my weight, I despaired that I would have to give up the Southern cooking so dear to my heart. Jonell Nash, in "Low-Fat Soul," proved to me that all goodrecipes from down South do not need to start with the words "Firsttake two tablespoons of bacon grease..." I have prepared almost halfof the recipes in this book and can honestly say that not only are theygood but have now become some of my household's favorites. They range fromsimple to prepare dishes like Daddy's Chicken Spaghetti or SmotheredCabbage to "company" dishes like Baked Stuffed Red Snapper (whichis also easy to prepare but don't tell that to your guests, just let themooh and aah.) In addition to those mentioned above, three of my personalfavorites are the Buffalo Chicken Roll-Ups,the Peanutty Noodles and theCollards with Sun-Dried Tomatoes. Each recipe comes with some comment byMs.Nash and every section begins with helpfuls hints on ways to cut down onfat and calories. This book is for every Southerner (current or expatriate)who wants to eat healthy and keep their weight down.
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Low-Fat Soul (Paperback)
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