One of the most compelling parts of thebook is the section on heart health/cholesterol--one of the topics forwhich he has consistently taken the most heat.He shows dramatically howmuch of the mainstream theory is being disproven by more and more studies:fat is not the enemy; sugar and high carbs (especially refined carbs) aremore dangerous by far.
The other major gripe I have with the receptionof this book is the assumption that the extreme low-carb approach is whatDr. Atkins advocates for everybody.Read more carefully, folks: that's theWEIGHT LOSS program.Once your weight is where you want it, you begin toeat more whole grain complex carbs and fruit (brown rice, millet, and thelike, as opposed to refined carbs such as pastas and breads, andconcentrated sugars such as fruit juices, honey, etc.) to halt the weightloss process.The book explains this very clearly.
One of the otherconsistent things I hear is the danger of consuming so much animal productsgiven the horrible amounts of toxic chemicals pumped into commerciallyraised livestock (growth hormones, antibiotics, etc.)Again, read morecarefully: at least 15 years ago, Dr. Atkins was among the first voices inthis country to advocate ORGANIC meat and poultry--back when such a thingwas largely unheard of.Yes, it's a bit more expensive, and in some areasharder to find; but isn't your health worth it?
Will Dr. Atkins everadvise you to eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's once a week?Not likely.Butthe powers that be have put on their blinders, and cite only the parts ofAtkins' philosophy that suit their own intransigent purposes.Meanwhile aweek doesn't go by when several clients come through my door and tell me,unsolicited, how since they've come off the high-carb/low-fat approach andincorporated more protein into their diets, they're feeling like humanbeings again for the first time in years.... more energy, greater mentalclarity, better emotional stability/less depression, and long-term achesand pains beginning to disappear.Think for yourselves; experiment, andlisten to your own bodies!
Read this book with an open heart and learn.
Product Description
This new addition contains the basic diet and is enhanced by new explanations of the underlying theories.There are seven new chapters.
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