The diet has 4 basic steps. First you achieve BASIC BALANCE by cutting back your carbohydrate intake. Next you go to CARB CAREFUL where you further cut back on carbs. You also add SUPPLEMENTS that will help you balance your blood sugar and you add EXERCISE.
There are many good ideas throughout the book. Adele tells you never to get hungry so your blood sugar will stay on keel. She recommends hard chews (like an apple) and soft chews (like tangerines) to satisfy your hunger needs. Adele includes food choices to select from that will help you stay in control.
Unlike other low carbohydrate diets where you suddenly go from eating what is normal for you to eating low carbs, in this diet, according to Adele, the transition is gradual. The first step Basic Balance removes many carbs but in a gentle way. The next step Carb Careful removes more when you are ready.Personally, I did not see a large difference in the two steps. For example in Carb Careful she suggests removing cereal and grains from your breakfast meal, but then includes bread in the menu plan.
Menu plans are included for both Carb Careful and Basic Balance.
These may get you in balance and in control of your food but they are pretty stringent. In one example, a client of hers, eats a handful of string beans with other veggies several times a day and portions of protein, with a tiny amount of grain and fat included. The menu plans to me were pretty joyless. There was no mention of wine or chocolate, fat free cheeses were used, etc. Can you eat this way for life?
One of the reasons that low carbohydrate dieting can be so successful is that the fats in the diet are so satisfying. They add a richness that helps make up for the lack of carbohydrates we are used to.Adele does not mention fat much in her book. A menu might have a tad of olive oil or a bit of cheese but not much more. I feel many folks will not be satisfied eating both low carbohydrate and low fat. And recent studies have shown that good fats are good for you to eat. So she could have included more of these in the sample plans and at the very least more information on how to treat fat in your diet.
Another area Adele discusses in depth is supplementation. She makes suggestions for different nutrients and explains what they can do to help you. She also sells these nutrients at her website and to her credit does not push her own products at all.
Exercise is also covered. She discusses how it can really help your insulin. One suggestion she gives as an exercise choice is TY BO. It made me wonder how quickly the book was put together as the correct spelling is TAE BO. With the lack of information on fats and the obvious spelling error, I wondered if perhaps the book was put out fast.
I think alot of Adele Puhn's warmth and regard for her clients comes through in the book. But I think with the stringent eating plan and lack of thorough information on how to treat fats in the diet many people will be disappointed with this book.
Product Description
Have your diets stopped working for you? Do you have a chronic lack of energy? High blood pressure or cholesterol? Excess weight that won't budge? Does type 2 diabetes run in your family? Do you feel older than your age? After listening to client after client answer yes to these questions, Adele Puhn began to see that many were suffering from insulin resistance-a Metabolic Mix-Up so life affecting that it literally controls our body chemistry, fueling our cravings and starving our cells of needed nutrients. Insulin resistance not only prevents us from losing weight, but can also put us at a risk for developing life-threatening illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes as we age.
The Midlife Miracle Diet is your road map to a healthier, more vibrant, and more fulfilling way of life. The secret to the diet is an eating plan that controls blood sugar and limits carbohydrates-without deprivation and unrealistic restrictions. Carbs, fats, sugars, and proteins are all included in moderation, but carefully timed and paired to maintain stable blood sugar throughout the day. Insulin function is further enhanced with targeted supplements and exercise. Following this program, you will lose weight, lower your risks, and boost your energy by controlling the chemistry that has been controlling you.
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