Without getting too deep into technical detail, the diet amounts to a kind of biochemical healing from the effects of years of bad eating habits.I have more energy, my general mood is better, even my fingernails are healthier.My doctor is getting ready to take me off blood-pressure and cholesterol medications.
The beauty of it is that I'm not walking around hungry all the time.In fact, I had to ask my wife to make some of the salads a little smaller because they left me feeling stuffed.The recipes are, for the most part, delicious, and we're already finding some creative ways to adapt the principles in ways we prefer.
The three-stage approach is helpful -a brief, fairly radical Stage 1 to "flush out the system" and retrain the taste buds, as well as get some quick early results to boost morale.Stage 2 is geared to more moderate, sustainable weight loss (adding in more grains and more variety than Stage 1), and Stage 3 is for long-term lifestyle maintenance.We were so encouraged that we did Stage 1 twice through before moving into Stage 2.
The thing I like best is that this shows me a way that I can live the rest of my life - true principles that really work, that I can simply live by and not worry about.
A brief postscript (October 2006) - I have now been eating this way for eight+ months, and I am down 90 lb. from when I began.I am off all my blood-pressure and cholesterol medications; my BP is 110/60 (was 140/90), my cholesterol is 150 (was 230), my rest pulse is 54 (was 78).This stuff really works!
I should add to what I said above, by way of full disclosure, that the fridge-fuls of fresh produce we are now buying are considerably more expensive than the processed junk-food we were buying before, and food preparation is taking up quite a bit more of our time.But I would state unequivocally that those costs are easily worth the benefits of health and energy.
Click Here to see more reviews about: The Fat Resistance Diet: Unlock the Secret of the Hormone Leptin to: Eliminate Cravings, Supercharge Your Metabolism, Fight Inflammation, Lose Weight & Reprogram Your Body to Stay Thin- (Paperback)
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