I approached his book from a reformed weightlifter/runner to now a yogi/runner's perspective.
First the yoga information:
Many modern and not-so modern yogis claim that yoga is all anyone needs as far as exercise, but I completely disagree.Despite their attention to bandhas, tai chi like connecting movements, and yoga breathing, I don't think yoga alone is a cardiovascular workout.Moreover, I don't feel that the combination of low plank, high plank, crow, and handstands is enough to develop upper body strength.If you look at most yogis (no offense, please) such as Steve Ross (Inhale on Oxygen 6 a.m. weekdays), Bikram Choudury, and others, they don't look very strong.The best in this area to me has been Baron Baptiste (he of the ubiquitous bandana) and his attention to "functional strength."
Fortunately, Mr. Ilg politely calls the yogi community out on this subject and carefully illustrates the need to "strength train" in addition to yoga.
His High Performance Yoga (trademarked I believe) still uses these poses, but as a complement to the work in the gym.Also, his yoga routine is functional not fancy, incorporating all the sun salutations and warrior poses, as well spinal twists, backbends, forward bends, and inversions.Maybe most importantly he introduced me to a pose not found in many yoga books and not on Yoga Journal's website pose section:the yoga squat (this should be called the Ilg squat).It's a fantastic pose.
As for Mr. Ilg's strength training advice:solid and proven.He limits between set rest to 30 seconds and does power movements such as squats, stiff-legged deadlifts, benches, military presses, etc.No high rep,"shaping movements" fluff here.
His cardio advice is also great.No "just gardening is cardio" or park your car in a farther spot blather, but rather a discussion on the necessity of hard training such as bicycling, running, and more.
Mr. Ilg gets very, very, very deep into the meditation and spiritual"stuff."He loses me here, but that is my weakness.Hopefully, you will be able to embrace this important area.
Another area Mr. Ilg recommends that I could not survive:media fasting.I'm sorry, but I have to read the Journal/Times daily or I feel lost.If you can do this, your journey will be more advanced than mine.He doesn't say you have to do it daily, of course.
Nutritionally, I can't personally see eliminating meat & dairy without some heavy protein supplementation.If I'm training two-three hours daily (Mr. Ilg's recommendation), I don't see how a diet high in fiber and natural foods other than meat and dairy can provide enough protein.He may be right; it's just not for me.
Please, if you are considering getting "fit" realize that cardio, strength training, or yoga alone will NOT be enough individually.You have to combine all three (throw in meditation if you can and of course nutrition).Based on those proven facts, please welcome Coach Ilg into your life.You will save a lot of money purchasing this one book, instead of several for strength training, cardio, and the often incomplete yoga books.You won't be disappointed.
Thanks for reading.
P.S.Attentive readers may note that I previously reviewed this tome.I used some unfortunate and inappropriate words at the time.I apologize to Mr. Ilg and the Amazon community for that.Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa.
Updated 11.25.05.For some reason when you Yahoo, Google, A9 yoga squat this review comes up, so I want to add a little bit more information.
I still don't understand why more yoga tomes don't discuss the yoga squat, so I want reemphasize how much I appreciate Mr.Ilg's contribution.I do the yoga squat at least 10 times a day (always at least a minute).When I get two minutes during work I do it followed by a one minute forward bend.The yoga squat seems to put my whole body back into line and it unleashes an "energy flow".Also, during my reqularly scheduled two daily workouts, I do yoga squats holding a 25 or 35 pound plate for 2-3 minutes.It deepens the pose and feels fantastic.Everyone should do the yoga squat (knee pain sufferers excluded, although it may help actually).
Update 12.6.06.I just wanted to add another item to the Ilg Squat/yoga squat.The great Steve Ross on his fantastic yoga show Inhale(Oxygen M-F 6 a.m. EST) showed a version of the yoga squat designed to deepen the pose.He just set his feet very wide apart and squatted down.Turning your toes out may help some people.It felt awesome.
Again, big thanks to Mr. Ilg to paying attention to this incredibly important asana.
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