I'm a vata-pitta, but primarily a vata.I was following a high carbohydrate, low fat diet, which I read in this book was definitely the wrong thing for a vata to be doing.I needed more fat.40% of my calories as a matter of fact.I'd tried everything else, so I gave the 40/40/20 ratio a shot.All I can say is, "WOW".Upping my fat intake way the key to finding balance through diet.Not to say everyone should eat 40% of their calories from fat.Only the vata type.The Pitta (or fire) type should eat 50% or more from carbs, 30% protein, and 20% or less from fat.
If I would have read this book 2 years ago, I would have missed out on a lot of unnecessary trial and error.Excellent book!
Product Description
Ayurvedic Zone Diet combines the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda for health andhealing with a modern scientific approach to body typing physiology.Byfocusing on the three basic body types and their corresponding zones ofphysiological function, this book offers practical solutions for everything from chronic health problems and weight control to proper exercise and lifestylemanagement.It is essential reading for all who want to lose weight, stayyoung, and be healthy.
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