The premise behind the diet is a simple one. You eat an apple that fills you up with fiber, water and other nutrients and thus reduce your appetite. Apples pack a lot of benefits in a low calorie package.
This plan also includes a moderate calorie, low fat diet. Sample 1500 day includes apple, omelet, and oatmeal for breakfast, non fat cottage cheese and non fat yogurt for a snack. Chicken, broccoli, brown rice and apple for lunch, cappuccino shake for mid afternoon snack and dinner of salmon salad and you guessed it - an apple.
The plan also includes lots of exercise. Cardiovascular, and weight training with squats, lunges, chest presses etc.
The book makes it sound easy. Just eat your apples and voila..simple weight loss. In truth the plan would be very difficult for the average person looking to lose lbs. to stick with for the long haul and keep the weight off.
The diet reminds me of Bill Phillips initial Body for Life plan only not as good. Bill's initial diet included eating very clean ie chicken breast, brown rice, non starchy veggies etc. but it allowed for more fat. The Apple Diet plan is under 20% fat. Bill's plan has also expanded to include his new Eating For Life cookbook with tons of great tasting recipes. The recipes are far more interesting and easy to stick to than the ones in the Apple Diet.
Bill also allows for one cheat night. With the Apple Diet you get nothing..Nada..no chocolate, no ice cream, no dippin dots. Just grilled this or steamed that. How boring is that!
So yes this will work if you are hard core ready for intense clean eating. But if you want a little bit more laxity and interest try Bill's plan instead or if you are the average Mr. or Ms. trying to lose weight, up your protein some for satiation, count your calories but don't worry about being quite so perfect every day.
Another drawback to the plan is the apples. I like apples but THREE a day! Everyday!....hmmm could this diet be sponsored by companies like the Washington Apple Growers? Could this be a thinly disguised attempt to sell more apples.
Indeed we all agree that they have fiber and are good for us. BUT 3 per day?
Bottomline if you can eat very clean for the rest of your life and 3 apples every day..then this may be the perfect diet for you. If not...pick another plan.
Product Description
Learn the small-town diet secret that is sweeping the nation: add three apples a day to your diet and the weight will drop off!
In the little town of Wenatchee, Washington, Tammi Flynn, nutrition director at the local Gold's Gym, discovered a secret: when one of her clients, who had been stuck on a diet plateau, ate an apple before every meal and didn't change anything else, she lost one and a half pounds of fat in just one week. Flynn tried it out with her other clients and saw wild results. Three hundred forty-six people lost more than 6,000 pounds in twelve weeks. That's seventeen pounds per person!
The 3-Apple-a-Day Plan is a breakthrough weight loss program based on eating well from now on, and not feeling deprived. By combining balanced meals with exercise-and adding the fat-loss accelerator of three apples a day-the plan allows your body to maintain valuable muscle tissue (the key to metabolism) while shedding unwanted layers of fat. It is your foundation for permanent fat loss.
The 3-Apple-a-Day Plan is easy to read, easy to understand, and most important, easy to customize and incorporate into your lifestyle. Today, more than 150,000 people have lost weight with Tammi's plan-and so can you!
You will discover:
-How to plan and prepare quick meals from over 100 delicious recipes
-How to increase your metabolism to achieve permanent fat loss
-The different between overfat and overweight
-How and why apples are used as a fat loss supplement
-Why men lose weight faster than women
-Why the scale may sabotage your efforts to lose weight
-Personal success stories and photos of people who have struggled with weight loss and won
Click Here to see more reviews about: The 3-Apple-a-Day Plan: Your Foundation for Permanent Fat Loss (Paperback)
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