As a dentist, I have been advising patients to rid themselves of their mercury amalgams and, in the wake of Dr.Yiamouyiannis' research years ago, to avoid all exposure to fluoride. Unfortunately, in the US today, any professional advising similarly risks losing their practicing license to the local Board. Further, the thimerosol(mercury preservative) question with children's vaccinations has been buried mostly in the face of corporation and organized medicine's refusal to allow the issue proper publicity and debate. Due to the structure of the corporate universe, the serious, debilitating and life-threatening issues raised by Dr. Blaylock have been pushed to the dark corners of the alternative medical community to keep alive. Dr. Blaylock here shifts the tables. This book is a must-read for all health practitioners, be we allopathic or "complementary", and will become an empowerment to us in the face of official attempts to bury our criticisms. I have written to Dr. Blaylock and proposed better marketing and, perhaps, a title change in an attempt to give this work the readership it deserves, but for now, READ THIS BOOK! and you will change your world.
Product DescriptionLearn how the chemicals and compounds you encounter every day can lead to unexpected health complications and life-threatening disorders. Health and Nutrition Secrets presents the latest information about strokes and heart attacks, diabetes, protecting the digestive system, and the best ways to keep the immune system young and powerful. New revised edition has chapter on The Role of Fats in Health.
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