This proved to me that not only was I well and truly overweight but that my eating habits were absolutely shocking and needed a change.AND I did not starve myself either.I did try to modify the amount of food I ate because not only was the problem what I was eating, but how much, but I never starved myself or went hungry.If I felt like something to eat out of normal meals I would just blend up a banana & soya milk smoothie with frozen bananas and a dollop of natural honey (try it!).
I have two recommendations for people doing this diet.
1: Stick to it religiously, if you allow yourself butter here and there or some greasy chips at a party you will find it too easy to stray from the diet.Dr Cabot says in the book you are allowed the odd indiscretion, but I found for me personally it had to be all or nothing.
2: If you have a partner (wife/husband/etc) then they really should do it as well because the temptation is great to have the food they get to eat.I know this now because I am on the diet for a second time to try and get my weight to around 77kg (172lbs) but my wife is not joining me AS MUCH as the first time round because she doesn't need too (55kg).Seeing that bottle of coke when you are reaching for that soy milk, or that block of cheese sitting next to that block of tofu makes for some mighty effort in willpower but I am sticking to my guns!
Good luck!
Product Description
The best-selling LIVER CLEANSING DIET presents Dr. Cabot's award-winning eight-week diet plan for cleansing the liver, including her groundbreaking healing soup and raw juice recipes. New sections examine natural therapies for reversing a fatty liver, healthy strategies for children who have a fatty liver or are overweight, nutritional medicine for hepatitis C and B, and statistics showing why drug therapy alone is generally not successful in the long term.--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
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