The book is inspiring, and I highly recommend it. What made this diet extremely easy for me (as a working mom with a nursing 1-year-old I have little time to cook) is that there's a company near me called Diet-to-Gothat delivers Mirkin Meals to my home. I feel like I could eat this wayforever. I have lots of energy, and after just two months of eatingMirkin-style, even my pre-pregnancy clothes are all loose on me. For peoplewho like whole grains, beans, veggies and fruit, this way of eating isextremely satisfying. The food is filling, and it seems like I'm getting avery nutritious diet every day, with enough protein, complex carbs,vitamins and minerals. I find that I really don't crave the fat, and that20 grams of fat per day is plenty. I think this type of diet also booststhe immune system, because even though others in my household (who are noton the diet) have been coming down with colds and viruses, I've stayedhealthy. Mirkin recommends exercise, but with so little time, the best Ican manage is to wear a pedometer and try to walk 10,000 steps each day.But, I've found that even walking an average of 4,000 steps seems to besufficient to cause weight loss on the Mirkin diet.
Product DescriptionNo fat with a tasty new twist! Nearly 300 deliciously simple, meatless meals, plus a medically tested health-and-fitness plan make this bestselling book a must for anyone who wants to lose weight and feel better. Illustrations & charts.
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Fat Free, Flavor Full: Dr. Gabe Mirkin's Guide to Losing Weight & Living Longer (Paperback)
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