I found it extremely helpful to learn all about the Raw Foods leaders, philosophy, common debates and more resources. Do not expect to find any recipes, although she does point out tons of great books that will help you!
The title "The Raw Food Diet Myth" was confusing to me however (why call it Myth?), and I did not purchase my book on Amazon. I ended up sifting through the pages at Whole Foods store and thought that it was the perfect book for me to understand the whole raw foods philoshopy. And this book did not fail to deliver.
Now, to research all the additional resources she's recommended!
Product Description
The Raw Food Diet Myth is a thought provoking exploration of the revolutionary philosophy of raw and living foods. Author and raw foodist Dr. Ruthann Russo proves that raw food is much more than a diet. She does this by bringing together an enjoyable and clear description of the food, lifestyle, treatment of the earth, each other and the quest for physical, spiritual and mental health within the raw food movement. In the section on Basics, you will read about the long and strong history of the raw food movement beginning with early leaders like physicians Max Bircher-Benner and Max Gerson to leaders of today like Dr. Gabriel Cousens and David Wolfe. In the Food section, Russo describes healthy conflict within the movement in chapters devoted completely to raw chocolate, raw sweeteners, and water. In the Lifestyle Russo delves into health, spirituality and physical fitness as well as ethics, economics, and even raw pets. The book provides you with worthwhile information to make a conscious decision about whether to incorporate any of the raw and living food philosophy into your own philosophy of living.
The purpose of this book is to introduce you to the revolutionary philosophy of raw and living foods by pulling together all of the components, including, but not limited to, diet, into one place. The book provides you with information to make a conscious decision about whether you will, or perhaps already have, incorporated any of the raw and living food philosophy into your own philosophy of living.
The Raw Food Diet Myth covers:
- The history of raw food lifestyle
- Raw vs Living food
- How to get raw
- What you ll need to go raw
- A list of acidic foods to avoid whether you are raw or not
- Ethics of the raw food lifestyle
"I think your book is so great in presenting information in such a balanced and rational and very clear and compelling way, addressing all sorts of confusions that people have regarding raw food. Â THANK YOU!"
- Sarma Melngailis, Proprietor, pure food and wine of New York
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