This book is packed with interesting information/ideas,some of which aren't frequently printed in other diet books--such as using potato water to curb appetite, coconut water to alkalinize the body, and eating right for your meat eater/vegetable eater metabolism, depending upon how acidic your stomach fluids are. But beware the Niacin Test to determine that acidity or lack of it! The author recommends 50 mg. Niacin to determine if one is a meat or vegetable eater. Some people get a flushing reaction, feel heat, get a rash, or get "vaginal discomfort" with that amount and are meat eaters, the author says. No reaction means one is chiefly a vegetarian/fish eater. What isn't stated in the book is that some people get a reaction to Niacin if it exceeds about 38 mg., a "safe" amount listed in some nutrition books. Also, the "vaginal discomfort" one gets can be a disruption of the normal internal envionment and result in yeast overgrowth, including Candidis yeast overgrowth! The author doesn't state this directly but happens to mention in her book that Candidis yeast overgrowth is sometimes very difficult, if not impossible, to get rid of and that antibiotics often have to be tried and that, even then, the overgrowth stays in one's system and doesn't go away. Unfortunately, because the author doesn't spell it out (possibly to keep book sales up there?), not every woman reading the book will understand that she is running the risk of having this happen to her and thus of running up all kinds of medical/pharmaceutical bills to solve a yeast/bacterial overgrowth problem. And sometimes rashes, too, have to be treated to make them go away. Another problem is that someone who has no reaction at 50mg. of Niacin might be tempted to try more and then develop all of the foregoing problems. The author says the "vaginal discomfort" problem occurs in "some women," and this wording seems to imply "not the majority"; however, bacteria/yeast are part of the female internal environment.Just how many women did the author study before seeming to imply, through wording, that this affects only some women? The test is the key to using the diets in the book and the recipes, so readers will be tempted to try it. My advice: Don't. Find out from your M.D. about the acidity of your stomach and go from there. Then you might be able to enjoy the truly splendid daily menu ideas for each type of diet and the recipes.
Product DescriptionAn easy-to-follow, customizable diet based on metabolic type that helps you get rid of excess fat and enjoy a healthy life A diet that produces amazing results for someone else may fail miserably for you. Why?Researcher and nutritional consultant Felicia Drury Kliment explains that since people have different metabolic types, eating the wrong foods can lead to poor digestion, which causes weight gain and ill health. In
Eat Right for Your Metabolism, you'll learn how to determine your metabolism type andcustomize a diet that helps you meet your goals for weight loss and long-lasting health.
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Eat Right for Your Metabolism: The Individualized Diet Plan to Balance Body Chemistry, Lose Weight, and Prevent Disease (Paperback)
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