
Review of Diabetes Type 2: Complete Food Management Program (Paperback)

If you are looking for a good book on what Type 2 diabetes is about then this book is the one for you.As a new to diabetes patient I was looking for some real tips and depth on how to manage my eating and diet.This book did not offer anything new that you could not find in other sources or the internet.
It is well laid out and written with a good beginners guide on how various food intereact with your body.It has all the basics you need to understand what is going on with your body.Also some very basic guide lines on Calorie intact and exercise.
But to call it a Complete Food Mangement Program is a bit misleading.I was expecting more indepth talks about the relation ship between meal time and blood sugars.More indepth about how exercise works in conjuction with proper eating and keeping your blood sugar lower. I realize that everyone is different in terms of what the basic needs are, but more numbers would have been nice.

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