Dr. Mays has done an excellent job in staying Biblically based in this book.It was a great decision that he decided to write this to beleivers rather than dilute the material to achieve a wider audience, as other Bible-based diet books seem to do.This is equally or more-so a book about achieving a better relationship with Christ as it is about becoming physically healthier - in fact it explains how the two are inseparable - how we treat our bodies (which are God's Temple) reflects how we treat God.He proves everything from scripture, both old and new Testaments - and doesn't fall into taking things out of context to make a point.It actually is apparent that he reached his conclusions from making in depth study of what actually was being said, and if that meant changing his own preconcieved ideas, then so be it.Along the way he debunks the myth that the new Testament no longer requires us to follow God's dietary biblical laws. Personally, I believe that Christs sacrifice did not do away with the Law at all, only it made the need for continual sacrifice unneccesary ("Think not that I have come to destroy the Law and the Prophets, for I have come to magnify them").As a result I also keep God's Holy days as written in the Old Testament, and do not follow the "Holidays" that man has propped up in their place-Easter and Christmas. I realize this may be different than Dr. Mays personal beliefs, but if he continues his studies in the same manner as he has done for this book, he will reach the same inevitable conclusions.
I believe that this is a well written, and often inspired book that is profitable to all Christians. This book is also packed with sound, scientific nutritional advice and explanations.I will be changing the way I eat into an act of worship.
Product DescriptionThe Bible Diet is a spiritual and nutritional guide to healthy living and disease prevention based on God''s Holy Word. Dr. Mays believes that although recorded in the Bible thousands of years ago, it is still relevant to us today, and if followed religiously could prevent many of the diseases we are facing today. Furthermore, Dr. Mays believes it is a spiritual act of worship to be obedient to all God''s laws and statues including those pertaining to our physical well being.
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