The ironclad advice to not eat after 3 PM at least 5 days per week is at the heart of the weight loss program outlined in this book. And, oh yes, eat healthfully whenever you eat.At the risk of sounding skeptical, wouldn't following the latter advice even if you ignored the former lead to similar results?I do applaud anyone who has found success on this program, or in any other reasonably healthy way and am not so closed-minded to not thoughtfully consider alternatives.
But for me, the decision really came down to not wanting to live in a vacuum.Unless you are living alone and have only yourself to consider, or perhaps just a partner or spouse who is also on the program, it becomes something theoreticaly ideal but maybe not very desirable in its practical application. For me, that would be to not have that touchstone of our family dinners every evening, well past the 3 PM deadine in this book.Its a time of respite for our family, when we come in from our daily responsibilities and enjoy a meal (yes as healthy and light as we can make it)and share our lives for a little while.It is a positive thing for my family and I suspect for many others as well and it can't be easily had on a strict deadline when the public schools, corporate America and the world at large just won't cooperate.
That having been said, this book does have a lot to say about the way we look at food and eating.It is well worth the reading.Every reader will have to decide for themselves if the 3 o'clock deadline will get them where they really want to be, or if there are worse things than dinner at 6.
Product Description
"Since ancient times Sumo Wrestlers have perfected the ability to become very very fat! Their livelihoods depend on it! They are experts! We can learn the SECRET to being slim from the experience and wisdom of the Sumo's - by doing the opposite - The 3:00 PM SECRET!" * * "The 3:00 PM SECRET will give you results so fast, you will never look back!" * * "The 3:00 PM SECRET is the last book you will ever need on losing weight." * * "Living The 3:00 PM SECRET is so easy and such a positive experience, it seems like magic." * * "When your life is devoted to your dreams rather than dinner, you will focus on those dreams and becoming slim just happens." * * "The 3:00 PM SECRET shows you how to quickly and permanently become slim and strong. If you are feeling hopeless, it will inspire you to rediscover your dreams and show you how to have the body worthy of those dreams." * * "The book was written for you if you have tried and failed at losing weight and have given up on your dreams." * * "The 3:00 PM SECRET is unique because of its motivation and its simple and innovative approach to eating." * * "By focusing on your life and dreams rather than dinner, food cravings vanish." * * "The book has a site where readers can ask questions and share their ideas and success stories." * * * BOOK REVIEW 1: "After Debra distilled her principles for healthy living and proved them in her life, she discovered a passion for sharing her discoveries with others, particularly those who have lost hope that their bodies will ever cooperate with their dreams. Observing that most human beings are, well, human, Debra designed a set of lifestyle choices we all can embrace in our daily rituals. She hopes you will hope again, and finally set yourself free to pursue your true destiny." Judge David A. Lawrence, 'Secret' Admirer. * * * BOOK REVIEW 2: "Finally a treatise on achieving and sustaining one's trimness and fitness based not on no carbs, low carbs, medium carbs or high carbs! Debra has cut through the contemporary and often baseless fads to weight control and health. These two issues are inextricably linked one with the other, and success in achieving both requires an understanding of the ways they relate. She presents an insightful tour d'force of reaching one's goals of not fearing the mirror, the scale or your next birthday. A practical and easy to read journey to discovering The 3PM Secret. This is a must for all of us who seek an end to the race for the next best fad, which most likely will fail as miserably as the one before it. Debra's approach to becoming trim and fit is reasonable, simply presented, understandable and most importantly - attainable!" Professor Channing Robertson, Stanford University.--This text refers to the Kindle Edition edition.
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