
Review of 101 Reasons Why I'm A Vegetarian (Paperback)

I just finished reading Ms. Rice's 101 Reasons Why I'm a Vegetarian, and I simply have been bowled over. Reason after reason, the information the author brings forth is unrelenting and, no-less, devastating. This is up there as one the most far-reaching indictments of the meat-eating lifestyle to date.

So much of this material was absolutely new to me, and I pride myself on being an informed vegan. It would be pretty tough for any meat eater to remain so after reading this book. If you read it, you will be transformed.

Despite the obvious fact that Ms. Rice shares the philosophy of your most ardent vegan advocate, the writing style is understated, which is perhaps what gives the information its power. In the majority of cases Ms. Rice's facts come from conventional sources (the USDA, the EPA, The New York Times, The Economist, agricultural colleges, etc.), which, by the way, are copiously referenced. I figure there are perhaps 1,500 citations in the book. I could not, of course, look at every one, but it was nice to know they were always there to back up the facts. I did look up a few with Google searches. In those cases I
was at once brought into a world of key experts at the forefronts of their fields. Furthermore, the 13-page index appears to allow readers a good chance at cross referencing at any point. Both the index and the reference pages were interesting browse-reads in themselves.

Here is a book that should probably be on the shelf of every vegan or vegetarian alive. There, this book offers the meat-free the constant assurance that each had made the best decision of his or her life.

My only complaint with the book was that the author did not let loose more often. I got the feeling Ms. Rice's editors reigned in a more flamboyant style, a style that seeps through the cracks all too infrequently.

In the end, at risk of repeating myself, if you're a vegetarian or vegan, here is your ultimate vindication. If you're a meat eater, you may want to consider yourself duly put on the hot seat.

Product Description
For many years, Pamela Rice, president of the Vivavegie Society in New York City, has produced the pamphlet 101 Reasons Why I'm a Vegetarian, known to all who have read it as "The Mighty Convincer." The pamphlet offers in bite-sized pieces the many human health, animal welfare/rights, and environmental reasons why people are choosing a meatless diet.
Now Pamela has written an expanded and fully resourced book-length version of 101 Reasons Why I'm a Vegetarian, filling out the details of her argument and providing up-to-date information, but maintaining her engaging and informed style. She covers everything from the conditions for animals on factory farms to disappearing fish stocks, lagoons of animal waste, high incidences of colon cancer and other diseases, and other information from industry periodicals, newspapers, magazines, Web sites, and other less readily available sources.
A work of prodigious scholarship and dedication, written with wit and skill, 101 Reasons Why I'm a Vegetarian is sure to become the handy reference work for vegetarians who want to give their meat-eating friends one book that explains why they do what they do, and for meat-eaters who want to understand all the arguments for a meatless diet.

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