Understanding why your body chemistry does what it does is a revelation.
All these diet books just lead you on.Diets do not work long term.You have to eat every 3 hours, eat adequate protein and not too much carbs to lose weight.
Weight lifting is more effective for weight loss than aerobics!
Low carb diets shut down your thyroid long term.Many people stay on these things, get more irritable by the day and do not lose weight.
I enjoyed the scientific explanation of thermogenesis.I won't ever be hoodwinked again.
Feed your body right, lift weights.I hope the word spreads..
The only downside of this book is the author's complete unawareness of the word "affect".He uses the word "effect" throughout the book.It drove me nuts!
He also does not know about you're vs. your.I guess it is not his job to know grammar.The editor of the book should have read it instead of just doing a spellcheck.
Otherwise, a very good book.
Product Description
Trying to lose weight but just too confused as where tostart?Everything You Need to Know About Fat Loss will show you theway. You will learn and understand the effects total calories, typesof calories and exercise exert on body fat loss and body fatinhibition. The author covers 8 important topics in 11 chapters. Thetopics include:
*Physiology of Weight Loss
*Carbohydrates, Protein and Fat
*Fat Storing Foods
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