
Review of Linking Nutrition to Mental Health: A Scientific Exploration (Paperback)

Linking Nutrition to Mental Health is an essential book for anyone working in the mental health field. It will be best understood by dietitians, but is written so that everyone can understand the science. I recommend the book to all those living with mental illness and their families, as well as the professionals. The topic of nutrition and mental health is covered so thoroughly that I now have a great resource always at my fingertips.

Product Description
To truly live well-to feel good, engagein productive activities, enjoy fulfillingrelationships with other people, and beable to adapt to change and cope withadversity-Americans must start addressingmental health with the same urgency asphysical health. With that in mind, registereddietitian Dr. Ruth Leyse-Wallace gathersbreakthrough scientific research from aroundthe world to demonstrate how powerfullynutrition can affect our mental well-beingas much as our physical well-being.
Dr. Leyse-Wallace reports on the latestand most compelling findings about theways in which diet, supplements, genetics,and health conditions can make a differencein mental health. She explores how theshort-term and long-term intake of vitamins,minerals, essential fatty acids, proteins,carbohydrates, medications, alcohol, andcaffeine can potentially influence mentalfunctioning, and she explains her emergingTheory of PsychoNutriologic Person.
Far greater than an evidentiary summary,Linking Nutrition to Mental Health givestailored recommendations to individuals,healthcare providers, and scientists forputting these groundbreaking researchdiscoveries into practice to achieve avastly improved quality of life.

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