
Review of The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding: Seventh Revised Edition (La Leche League International Book) (Paperback)

I had a much older edition of this book when I was pregnant with my first child almost 10 years ago and I read it and countless other pregnancy, breastfeeding and parenting books. I passed along the older version to a pregnant friend after the birth of my youngest in 2002; I thought I knew all I needed to know after successfully breastfeeding my first and continuing to breastfeed my youngest. Some recent problems led me to borrow the new 7th Revised Edition from a LLL meeting and I wish I had a newer edition before my second son was born. I learned so much about recent scientific discoveries about breastfeeding and the healthful properties of human milk. I could have avoided alot of heartbreak and anxiety in the hospital if I'd known all this and read it prior to his birth. The hospital was not very friendly to breastfeeding and if I had not already had the positive experience with my first son, I probably would have let them convince me of the need for bottles. As it was, we had a very difficult time in the first few weeks, which could have been avoided with the knowledge and information contained in this book. I urge you to read it, especially if you are considering nursing. And even if you plan to feed your baby formula, it may change your mind! And bring it with you to the hospital to use as a resource and to back up your requests to nurses to NOT give your baby sugar water, formula or a pacifier. The scientific information and references provided should give you all the support you need.

Product Description
All parents want the best for their babies, and there's no doubt about the fact that human milk is the ideal food for human babies. What's the secret of successful breastfeeding? For almost fifty years mothers who have been in touch with La Leche League have found the kind of information and support they needed to breastfeed their babies.
In this newly revised edition of The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, you will learn:

- How human milk offers lifetime benefits for your baby
- How to prepare for breastfeeding during pregnancy
- How to exercise and lose weight safely while nursing
- How to find time for yourself while meeting baby's needs
- How to increase your milk supply by using herbs and medications
- How to be sure your baby is getting enough to eat

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding was the first book of its kind, written for mothers by mothers. Over the years, more than two million mothers have turned to it for information and inspiration.

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